w w w . J o l l y G o o d J o k e s . c o . z a        

Guy goes to doctors and says "Doc, I have a proble - 8 Apr 2015
Guy goes to doctors and says "Doc, I have a problem with my penis." Doctor says "Tell me the problem." Guy says "Well, basically every morning when the alarm clock goes off, my missus jumps on me and rides me for a good half hour before I go for my morning shower. When I'm drying myself off, the maid always manages to sneak in and she sucks me off for about 10 minutes. When I manage to escape and get on the train to work, the hot waitress at the buffet loves to have a hard shag with me for at least 15 minutes after she's served the other passengers. Once I've made my way to work, my secretary fucks me all through lunch then leaves me to finish whatever work I have left to do before I go home. On the train home the waitress is waiting for another shag, I then head home for another blowjob from the maid and finally my wife wants another session before bedtime." Doc says "What's the problem?" "It hurts when I wank."
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