w w w . J o l l y G o o d J o k e s . c o . z a        

Three rugby fans walk out of a bar. They turn a co - 11 Dec 2014
Three rugby fans walk out of a bar. They turn a corner and see a pair of legs sticking out from behind a bush. They push the bush aside and find a woman dead and completely naked. They call the police and as they wait, they decide to cover the woman up. The Sharks fan takes of his hat and covers her left breast. The Bulls fan takes off his hat and covers her right breast. The Stormers fan takes off his hat and covers her crotch. The police arrive. The detective walks around the scene and writes in his little book. He lifts the Sharks hat, looks underneath, sets it back down and writes in his little book. He lifts the Bulls hat, looks underneath, sets it back down and writes in his little book. He the lifts the Stormers hat, looks underneath, does a double-take, sets the hat back down slowly and starts to write in the little book. The Stormers fan is upset by this. He asks, "What was that? Haven't you seen one of those before?" The detective replies, "You misunderstand. Normally when I look under a Stormers hat, I see an arsehole."
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